TODAY - HINDU - VOCABULARY                    --29.01.2021--


1. TUMBLE (VERB): (गिरना):  plummet
Synonyms: plunge, dive
Antonyms: rise
Example Sentence:
In the last decade, property prices have tumbled.

2. DIFFERENTIAL (ADJECTIVE): (भेदक):  distinctive
Synonyms: different, dissimilar
Antonyms: similar
Example Sentence:
Germany and France pledged to maintain the differential between the two.

3. DEFER (VERB): (मान लेना):  yield
Synonyms: submit, give way
Antonyms: stand up to
Example Sentence:
He deferred to his absolutely superior knowledge.

4. PREPOSTEROUS (ADJECTIVE): (निरर्थक):  absurd
Synonyms: ridiculous, foolish
Antonyms: reasonable
Example Sentence:
He gave us a preposterous suggestion.

5. INCLINE (VERB): (रुझान होना):  liable
Synonyms: likely, prone
Antonyms: unlikely
Example Sentence:
She's inclined to gossip with complete strangers.

6. VULNERABLE (ADJECTIVE): (खतरे में):  at risk
Synonyms: endangered, unsafe
Antonyms: safe
Example Sentence:
We were in a vulnerable position.

7. HOARD (VERB): (संचय करना):  store
Synonyms: store up, stockpile
Antonyms: squander
Example Sentence:
Thousands of antiques hoarded by a compulsive collector.

8. RAMPANT (ADJECTIVE): (अनियंत्रित):  uncontrolled
Synonyms: unrestrained, unchecked
Antonyms: controlled
Example Sentence:
Political violence was rampant in the area.

9. ABET (VERB): (हाँथ बंटाना):  assist
Synonyms: aid, help
Antonyms: hinder
Example Sentence:
His actions were shown to abet terrorism.

10. MERCY (NOUN): (ढिलाई):  leniency
Synonyms: lenience, clemency
Antonyms: ruthlessness
Example Sentence:
The boy was screaming and begging for mercy.

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